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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dialogue Poem for WAVI

Daniel Sugar
Dialogue Poem

Painting: “The Second of May, 1808”, by Francisco De Goya (1814)

Solider: We will fight this war for all of Spain
Peasants: We do not deserve to die this painful death for the country
Soldier: but alas, you countrymen, you have disrupted the progress of our land.
Peasants: Why must you take down our horsemen, and kill our horses?
Solider: We are the conquerors of Spain and we shall…
Peasants: Do what?
Soldier: Take firm hold of our land and give it back to the people.
Peasants: But we support the King, no matter how we dissent him/
Soldier: So you support total tyranny and empire, while they live in luxury, we toil in the fields.
Peasants: Sir, they will kill us if we disobey.
Solider: It is that fear that will lead us to never attain our natural human rights. Now get out of our way, you peasant supporters of the Spanish Crown.
Peasants: Never!! Never!! Never!!

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